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Our History

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The Kitimat Child Development Centre Association (KCDCA) is a non-profit registered charity that offers services to children (especially those with disabilities) and their families. Our mission is:

"To Support Children/Youth With Special Needs To Be The Best That They Can Be."

An eleven member Board of Directors (consisting of parents and community members) establishes policies and is responsible for the overall operations of the Centre. The Centre staff assess and provide support and therapy to children and their families so their children can grow to reach their full potential. Families with children with special needs (physical, behavioral, emotional, etc.) can live in Kitimat and receive these services locally. We are one of approximately 18 regions in British Columbia that is fortunate to have a Child Development Centre. Families from some communities without CDC's (i.e., Prince Rupert) have very few services to choose from. They often have to travel for services or relocate to other communities.

The Centre has been offering services for over 25 years. A few parents and a local pediatrician initiated the organization of the Centre in 1974. At the beginning, when the Centre was situated in the Service Centre, only a few programs were offered for approximately 10 children. Since then, the Centre has grown from its original site to its present location at the Kitimat General Hospital. Today, in response to parents, all children and their families can access our programs. Our 15 programs currently serve a caseload of over 400 clients yearly.