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Snow Shortage still plagues Ski Resorts - Dec 8, 2002

A nationwide snow shortage still plagues ski Resorts across the country. Here in BC the only hill operating with a semblance of normality is Ski Smithers - Hudson Bay Mountain. Almost all others in BC are closed with the exception of 3 or 4 areas with less than 10% of their runs open.

Shames Mountain is due to open Dec 13, although it is still uncertain whether sufficient snow fell over the weekend for reasonable skiing.

Editorial Staff at Kermode Net were unable to determine whether North America's two leading experts on climate change, George W. Bush, and Ralph Klein, would be issuing any statements confirming that this lack of snow is just a one-time aberration and nothing to be concerned about.

In the meantime viewers can check out conditions enjoyed by visiters to Ski Smithers last Sunday, Dec 1. where at least a reasonable number of runs were open.

Ski Smithers - Hudson Bay Mountain

Early Season Photos (Dec 1, 2002)

black line

Northwest Skiers among lucky few with snow, as all other resorts in BC suffer. Following are some of the photos - click on the thumbnails to see full pictures - wide thumbs are panoramas.

To get the real TOP of the MOUNTAIN experience - scroll to the very bottom of this page and see a 360 degree virtual reality panorama. It's best to have a high speed connection for the full effect.

Northwest Skiers among lucky few with snow, as all other resorts in BC suffer.

Skiers on way up were treated to sight of moose browsing brush beside the road
View from the Lodge of Mountaiins to South, while clouds bury the valleys below
Northwest Skiers among lucky few with snow, as all other resorts in BC suffer.

Mid Mountain late sun empty T-bar after last run.
Mid Mountain late sun empty T-bar after last run.

mVC-681F.JPG mVC-718F.JPG MVC-720F.JPG
Mid Mountain final rays at the end of a great day of skiing. The rest of BC must be green with envy.
Mid Mountain final rays at the end of a great day of skiing. The rest of BC must be green with envy.
A day at Hudson Bay would not be complete without the view from the top.
A day at Hudson Bay would not be complete without the view from the top.
The following virtual reality view is for those of you with high speed. You can just let the scene scroll by or you can stop it with your mouse and then move the 360 degree panorama around at your own speed and inclination.
View from the top of the only open ski hill in BC, (besides Blackcomb Glacier)

12/8/2002 11:16:17 PM (PST)

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