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Advisory issued about fungal infections on Vancouver Island – 6/6/2002 11:49:12 AM

VICTORIA - The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) is advising the public, doctors and veterinarians that the fungus that causes cryptococcal disease has been found growing on trees native to Vancouver Island. …Full Story. More Stories…

British Columbia begins West Nile virus surveillance program – 6/6/2002 11:44:05 AM

VANCOUVER - Medical officials in British Columbia will be monitoring wild birds for the West Nile virus, the BC Centre for Disease Control announced today. …Full Story. More Stories…

Grow operation shut down – 6/6/2002 9:36:44 AM

The Terrace RCMP drug section executed a search warrant at a Thornhill residence on June 1 and uncovered a major grow operation. …Full Story. More Stories…

Terrace Recreational Centre door set on fire – 6/5/2002 4:52:07 PM

Someone set fire to a 1/4-inch plexiglass panel in a front door of the Terrace Recreational Centre (Gus' Pool Hall) at about 11:10 p.m. Tuesday night. …Full Story. More Stories…

Seat belt prevents serious injury in end-over-end MVA – 6/5/2002 4:27:56 PM

A 61-year-old Granisle man was spared serious injury in a vehicle roll-over Tuesday afternoon. The accident occurred at about 1:30 p.m. one kilometre east of Big Oliver Creek, about 50 kilometres east of Terrace, when the driver lost control of his 1996 Ford pickup, spun 180 degrees off the right-hand side of the road, and flipped end-over-end before coming to rest on the roof. …Full Story. More Stories…

FLOOD POTENTIAL UPDATE, JUNE 05, 2002 – 6/5/2002 4:21:48 PM

Mountain snowpacks continue to melt throughout the province maintaining moderate to high flows in many of the larger rivers. A wet Pacific system moved into the northern interior yesterday bringing rain to a wide area. This system appears to be carrying more precipitation than originally forecast and heavy precipitation was recorded overnight throughout the Cariboo Mountains, the Upper Fraser River, the upper North Thompson, the McGregor River and the Parsnip River of the South Peace River Region. Moderate precipitation was recorded in the Nechako River and eastern Bulkley River Basins as well. Moderate to heavy rainfall remains in the forecast for the Cariboo, Upper Fraser, South Peace and Liard for today and tonight. The Central and Southern Interior is forecast to receive showers for the next few days and the East and West Kootenays are forecast to receive light rain or showers. Temperatures throughout the province have cooled over the past 2 days but are still warm enough to sustain upper elevation snowmelt. Temperatures in most areas of the province are forecast to increase significantly by next weekend and this could increase the rate of snowmelt. River levels in the Northwest, Cariboo, Upper Fraser and the South Peace are increasing slightly at this time but they can be expected to rise more rapidly in response to this precipitation and increased snowmelt over the next few days. Assuming the current weather forecasts are accurate, the Bulkley River downstream of Telkwa and the South Peace River region could see some flooding over the next few days. In the Central and Southern Interior and the Kootenays the forecast precipitation should not cause a significant change in river levels. Flooding problems on the Bonaparte River at Cache Creek continues to improve as the river levels drop and high flows of the Nicola River will continue for the foreseeable future as storage on Nicola Lake continues to be reduced. As long as the current precipitation forecast for the Central Interior region is accurate, no change in either of these situations is expected.…Full Story. More Stories…

FLOOD POTENTIAL , UPDATE JUNE 03, 2002 – 6/4/2002 4:10:06 PM

Environment Canada – B.C. River Data – Skeena River at UskFull Story. More Stories…

FLOOD POTENTIAL UPDATE, MAY 31, 2002 – 6/3/2002 2:06:00 PM

Environment Canada – B.C. River Data – Skeena River at UskFull Story. More Stories…

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Top News
Snow Shortage still plagues Ski Resorts - Dec 8, 2002
Caledonia musical "State Fair" another great Success - Dec 7, 2002
Nov 16, 2002, Talstra returned as Mayor - also 4 incumbent councillors
Terrace Community Band celebrates 20th anniversary in style

Sports News
BC Summer Games – Nanaimo, August 1-4, 2002
Terrace's Wade Balbirnie tops King of the Mountain Footrace
Riverboat Days 2002: Beach Blast Volleyball "2"
Riverboat Days 2002: 2nd Annual Street Hockey Challenge

Community News
Skeena Valley Fall Fair wrap-up . . . Exhibitors: Claim your prizes
Don't miss the Fair . . . Get a FREE RIDE!
TROOPER: CFNR Classic Rock memories
Riverboat Days 2002

Bulletin d’information de l’école Francophone Jack Cook
Clarence Michiel Report-April
Clarence Michiel Report - February 2002

Letters to the Editor

Send us your thoughts from your browser!

We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
