Attention: this is very old content, revived mostly for historical interest. Many of the pages on this site are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc. found on these pages unless you couldn't find anything more recent.)
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Official Opening Ceremony

Barb Adams

Barb Adams, president, Skeena Valley Fall Fair Society

Roger Harris

Roger Harris, MLA Skeena Riding

Harry Nyce

board chairman, Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine

Jack Talstra

Jack Talstra, mayor, City of Terrace

Graham Johnstone

Ministry of Agriculture

Anita Tomayer

Anita Tomayer, president, Bulkley Valley Fall Fair, and member of board, BC Fairs Society

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Fiddle Contest

3rd place: Jamie Norton, 15, Terrace - $200

Accepting award from mayor Jack Talstra and MLA Roger Harris

2nd place: Christine White, 13, Telkwa - $400

Accepting award from mayor Jack Talstra and MLA Roger Harris

1st place: Scott white, 15, Telkwa: $1,000

Accepting award from mayor Jack Talstra

Winners pose for the camera

The talented White family from Telkwa, B.C., Scott, Christine, and Jaime

4H Horse Achievement

4H Poultry Achievement

The 4H barn is a valuable asset to the club

This structure is one of three facilities available to 4H members

Devon Foote, 1st showmanship, Ken Adair, best bird, Richelle Sussbauer, 1st pair of hens and 2nd showmanship, Jennifer Petley (Kitimat - mother posing in photo), reserve bird,

4H Rabbit Achievment

Top achievers: Amanda Reink, Jessica Petley, Rishelle susbauere, Ken Adair, Cassie Wriggitt, and Elizabeth Peters

4H Potpourri


Heavy Horse Pull

The Midway



Fun Fair Foot Races

Fun Fair Water Melon Eating Contest

Fun Fair Lawn Mower Race

Loggers Sports

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