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Canada Day 2002

A long line-up,

Out into the street.

A bit of a wait . . .

A few anxious moments . . .

Then safety displays and great draws.

And Oh! At long last . . . The plates!!!

And lots of cooks.

Cooking pancakes . . .

Bacon and sausage . . .

And eggs.

No doubt about it. This was the best end of the line.

The Terrace Water Rescue boat was a hit with the kids,

And fire truck rides . . . WOW!

Hey ma . . . Look at me!

Firefighter Ron Fleming was the tour guide.

And for some of the crowd . . . A quick nap after a very busy morning.

The Thornhill Junior Secondary Stage Band provided the entertainment.

Saxaphone section,

Brass section,

Blowing their horns for a good cause:

The Dare to Dream Foundation.

Oh . . . And thank you for the tent!

After a great breakfast, we moved on to Heritage Park Museum for the afternoon.

It was a relaxing affair,

With a constant flow of people coming and going.

Sitting and chatting . . .

Viewing heritage displays . . .

Enjoying live music . . .

It was a busy place!

There were free balloons,

Some attached to small kids.

There were stilts made for walking,

And a few who could do it.

Well . . . More than a few.

There were hives . . . Bee hives, that is.

Some brave people had a real close look.

There was face painting . . .

And brotherly love.

And vintage cars, which attracted a curious crowd.

There was this . . .

And there was that.

And, of course, FOOD!

Canada Day 2002 . . . In spite of the weather, a really great day!

Copyright © 2001 by Kermode Net Inc.