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Veritas grade seven class holds memorial for those lost

Veritas grade seven teacher, Glen Palahicky (centre): "It's time to take a moment to hear what God has to tell us."

A Veritas School grade seven class, taught by Glen Palahicky, took time during their Monday lunch hour to walk from their school to city hall to remember all those affected by the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington D.C.

Their brief and simple ceremony consisted of prayers, poetry, and symbols of remembrance, love, hope and peace. Symbols which they left as witness to their faith and prayers.

During the ceremony, Palahicky told his students, "I ask that you be attentive to what God's words have to say to you. We've heard lots in the news about what people are saying about this. It is time to take a moment to hear what God has to tell us."

These are words of great value for everyone in our communty, regardless of race, colour, or religion. We hope our Photo Essay of the Veritas students' ceremony carries their thoughts and prayers to the world.

Wed Sep 19 14:22:30 PDT 2001

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