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Riverboat Days 2002: The Parade – Photos and Best Entries

The Riverboat Days Parade is always a major attraction, and this year's parade easily measured up to its usual high standards.

One of the most difficult jobs with this event, though, is judging the winning entries. They're all great. Below is the list of what this year's judges deemed to be the best.

Best Overall
  Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners  
  Riverside Music Festival  

Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners
1. Skeena Valley Rotary Club 2. Skeena Valley Fall Fair 3. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 13

Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners SORRY,
Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners
1. Forestry/Interfor 2. Totem Furniture 3. Northern Savings Credit Union

Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners
1. Totem Saddle Club 2. Terrace Stock Car Association 3. Terrace Little Theatre - Summer Drama Days

Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners Riverboat Days 2002 - Parade Winners
Mon Aug 12 01:31:00 PDT 2002

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