Attention: this is very old content, revived mostly for historical interest. Many of the pages on this site are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc. found on these pages unless you couldn't find anything more recent.)
See here for more information.


4704 Keith Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 4K1 Canada
Telephone 250-638-0947   Fax 250-638-0948
Toll Free 1-888-720-8828

Authorized dealer for Coast Spas and
Alliance Woodcraft gazebos and spa enclosures.
Whether you're looking for total
relaxation or maximum therapy,
Coast Spas
has it all.

Coast Spas leads the industry with
the best selection and most
advanced spas in the world today. Comfortable contoured seats,
sculpted lounges and lumbar
support all contribute to your
total body relaxation.

Coast Spas, the world's
best built spas proudly
manufactured right here in
British Columbia, Canada.

Products & Accessories
  • Hot Tubs
  • Gazebos and Saunas
  • Dufferin Game Tables
  • Billiards and Accessories
  • Pool Supplies and Parts
  • Water Conditioners
  • Water Well Pumps
  • Chemicals

  • Free Water Testing
  • Filter Cleaning
  • House Call
Twilight Spas & Pump Supply
serving Prince Rupert to Telkwa,
and all points in between. We
sell the best and when we have
time we fix the rest.
Alliance Woodcraft manufactures the finest quality cedar gazebos and spa enclosures for outdoor hot tubs and jacuzzis. Our gazebos and spa enclosures are made in a pre-assembled kit form for easy installation. Please browse our website for photos, descriptions, videos, brochures, and helpful hints for purchasing your gazebo and spa enclosure.