Attention: this is very old content, revived mostly for historical interest. Many of the pages on this site are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc. found on these pages unless you couldn't find anything more recent.)
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These archives now contain 865 photos and 12 video clips of local events of community, regional or provincial significance. The photo essays have been created to capture our history as it happens and we hope in the years to come you find them both valuable and entertaining. All material in these archives is copyrighted. Please contact if you would like to use any photos or clips found here for commercial or promotional purposes. LAST UPDATE: September 19, 2000 — Terrace Drag Race Association results and photos added.
SEPTEMBER 9-10, 2000 Terrace Drag Race Association 2000 final
Terrace Drag Race Association 2000 Official results and 40 assorted photosby Alice Kellar of the final Terrace Drag Race Association event of the 2000 season.
SEPTEMBER 1-3, 2000 Skeena Valley Fall Fair
Skeena Valley Fall Fair 2000 161 photos and 12 video clips of everything from 4-H, to equestrian, loggers sports, the Fun Day, exhibits and more. Also included are results from loggers sports and the heavy horse pull. Digital and 35mm photos, and video clips by Tod Strachan. 35mm photos by Alice Kellar.
AUGUST 25-27, 2000 Bulkley Valley Fall Fair
Bulkley Valley Fall Fair 2000 19 rodeo and miscellaneous 35mm photos by Alice Kellar.
AUGUST 4-7, 2000 Riverboat Days
Riverboat Days 2000 We covered 14 of the 28 weekend events and came back with 412 photos plus complete results from the Soap Box Derby and Youth Soccer Challenge. Exhausting, but worth the effort. Digital and 35mm photos by Tod Strachan.
JULY 23-29, 2000 B.C Babe Ruth Y2K 14 Year Old Provincials
B.C. Babe Ruth Y2K Complete results and 6 team photos, plus 74 action and awards photos. Digital photos by Tod Strachan.
JULY 23, 2000 Terrace-Kitimat Air Show
Terrace-Kitimat Air Show 2000 A total of 82 photos. 32 action arial photos, 23 photos of static displays, and 27 miscellaneous and spectator photos. 35mm photos by Tod Strachan
JUNE, 2000 Around the World in 80 Days: a Exclusive
Around the World in 80 Days 31 photos of day 48 and 49 of the antique car round the world tour as it neared and experienced Terrace hospitality. 35mm photos by Rainer Giannelia and Alice Kellar.

Copyright © 2002 by Kermode Net Inc. Click for printer-friendly version
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Top News
Snow Shortage still plagues Ski Resorts - Dec 8, 2002
Caledonia musical "State Fair" another great Success - Dec 7, 2002
Nov 16, 2002, Talstra returned as Mayor - also 4 incumbent councillors
Terrace Community Band celebrates 20th anniversary in style

Sports News
BC Summer Games – Nanaimo, August 1-4, 2002
Terrace's Wade Balbirnie tops King of the Mountain Footrace
Riverboat Days 2002: Beach Blast Volleyball "2"
Riverboat Days 2002: 2nd Annual Street Hockey Challenge

Community News
Skeena Valley Fall Fair wrap-up . . . Exhibitors: Claim your prizes
Don't miss the Fair . . . Get a FREE RIDE!
TROOPER: CFNR Classic Rock memories
Riverboat Days 2002

Bulletin d’information de l’école Francophone Jack Cook
Clarence Michiel Report-April
Clarence Michiel Report - February 2002

Letters to the Editor

Send us your thoughts from your browser!

We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
