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Showing articles: 25 to 32 of 125

Don't miss the Annual Canada Day Firefighters Pancake Breakfast – 6/24/2002 2:05:27 PM

Plan on a Pancake Breakfast at the Terrace Firehall Monday, July 1. The Annual Canada Day Firefighters Pancake Breakfast is a great way to spend the holiday morning. There's plenty to do, good food to eat, and your contribution will help the B.C. Professional Firefighter's Association BURN FUND carry on the valuable community work that they do. …Full Story. More Stories…

Hey, Terrace! You just raised more than $16,000 for the BC Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. and Yukon – 6/22/2002 10:51:55 PM

Today was a great day in more ways than one. The 7th Annual Skeena Nations Aboriginal Day provided a great distraction from routine, plus insight into how we can all get along together. And we did. Today. George Little Park was crowded with everybody. Let's make it an infectuous habit. It felt good. …Full Story. More Stories…

7th Annual Skeena Nations Aboriginal Day – 6/22/2002 8:02:14 PM

Judging by the number of people who showed up in George Little Park Sunday afternoon, the 7th Annual Skeena Nations Aboriginal Day may well have been the most popular event ever held on that piece of city owned real estate. And no one was disappointed. Good entertainment, good food, and reasonably good weather made for a most enjoyable respite from the usual household chores that plague almost every weekend of the year. …Full Story. More Stories…

The 2002 Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race – 6/22/2002 5:10:07 PM

You're going to be seeing a lot of gentlemen like Rotarian Brian Downie around town for the next month or so. And they'd like to sell you something very valuable. The winning ticket to the 2002 Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race. …Full Story. More Stories…

The Canoe: A Canadian Icon . . . Don't miss it! – 6/17/2002 9:10:06 PM

Click here for UPDATED SCHEDULEFull Story. More Stories…

CFNR-FM Block Party . . . A number one hit! – 6/17/2002 7:47:15 PM

The CFNR-FM second annual Block Party on Saturday was a popular attraction in town. The event took place in the 4600 block of Lakelse Avenue from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and anyone who missed was probably out flood watching, the second most popular event over the weekend. …Full Story. More Stories…

What are you doing this weekend? How about the grand opening of the Canadian Canoe Exhibit – 6/13/2002 9:48:38 PM

the grand opening of the Canadian Canoe exhibit in Terrace takes place on Sunday with a barbeque beginning at 1 p.m. and Native dancing at 2 p.m. …Full Story. More Stories…

What are you doing this weekend? Try the CFNR Block Party . . . It Rocks! – 6/13/2002 9:47:02 PM

This is the second annual Block Party and it takes place on Saturday, June 15 in the 4600 Block Lakelse Avenue from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. …Full Story. More Stories…

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Showing articles: 25 to 32 of 125

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Top News
Snow Shortage still plagues Ski Resorts - Dec 8, 2002
Caledonia musical "State Fair" another great Success - Dec 7, 2002
Nov 16, 2002, Talstra returned as Mayor - also 4 incumbent councillors
Terrace Community Band celebrates 20th anniversary in style

Sports News
BC Summer Games – Nanaimo, August 1-4, 2002
Terrace's Wade Balbirnie tops King of the Mountain Footrace
Riverboat Days 2002: Beach Blast Volleyball "2"
Riverboat Days 2002: 2nd Annual Street Hockey Challenge

Community News
Skeena Valley Fall Fair wrap-up . . . Exhibitors: Claim your prizes
Don't miss the Fair . . . Get a FREE RIDE!
TROOPER: CFNR Classic Rock memories
Riverboat Days 2002

Bulletin d’information de l’école Francophone Jack Cook
Clarence Michiel Report-April
Clarence Michiel Report - February 2002

Letters to the Editor

Send us your thoughts from your browser!

We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
