Attention: this is very old content, revived mostly for historical interest. Many of the pages on this site are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc. found on these pages unless you couldn't find anything more recent.)
See here for more information.

(Click to return to home page) CEDARLAND TIRE SERVICE LTD.
4929 Keith Avenue, Terrace, British Columbia
Telephone 250-635-6170 or Fax 250-635-6176
Toll Free 1-888-821-2211
e-mail Cedarland Tire
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Top quality first line tire stock that has been discontinued by the manufacturer.

Having trouble finding a certain tire size or type? We may have it - e-mail us the information on the tire you are searching for!

We will ship tires out of town, freight charges are extra.